Ms. Levy, Lower School Teacher
At this time fourth grade continues their study of geography through many domains. After the students mastered continents and countries, they began their deep dive into US regions. They are practicing their skills using maps, globes, photographs, and tables to find different locations. They continue to answer essential questions such as why is the study of geography important and how it connects us to others. In this project students worked hard to develop creative presentations ranging from board games, readers theater, Google Slides presentations, maps, and books to teach their classmates about their region and how it might be similar or different to the Midwest.
After sharing their learning with one another, they took their knowledge public and applied our grade-level Jewish value of hachnasat orchim (welcoming guests and new friends) by inviting the second graders into our classroom to teach them what they had become experts on. Kol hakavod (well done) to these fourth grade students!