🍯 Setting Our Intentions for the New Year!
Ms. Malkin, Lower School Teacher
Shanah Tovah BZ Community! The past two weeks the second grade has been focusing on Rosh Hashanah. We discussed the meaning of the holiday and the reason we celebrate and observe it. We talked about our behavior in relation to the new year including saying sorry for mistakes we make— practicing teshuvah—and making wishes for the new year.

These pillars of Rosh Hashanah will stick with us all year to ensure we are being kind citizens and always striving for our best both academically and socially. In addition, we made our own shofars and practiced sounding them, made honey cakes, used apples and toothpicks to create different structures, built honey bee hives out of pattern blocks and taste-tested different varieties of apples and honey.

Enjoy some of these photos from our Shofar Factory, and Chag Sameach (Happy Holidays) to you all!

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