Jori Wineburgh, Nursery Teacher
"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would always say, Look for the Helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” — Mr. Rogers
As we approached the holiday of Hanukkah, Nursery students explored the role of the Shamash, “the helper candle.” The Shamash candle helps to light the other candles each night, helping to bring light inside our homes while we remember the story of Hanukkah with our loved ones.
Capturing moments of the Nursery children helping others in our classrooms is a reminder that each one of us has the potential to be a Shamash. Reflecting on one of Mr Rogers’ most beloved quotes, the children answered these questions: Who did you help today? How will you be a helper?
“I help my family by getting myself dressed for school.” — Madeleine V.
“I pour the orange juice.” — Nate A.
“I’m going to help do laundry with Gina.” —Avi E.
“I’m going to clean my room and take showers.” — Ariella S.