Eighth Grade Parents: ROOTS Project Technology Permission
Shosh Bernstein, MS Jewish Studies
Dear Eighth Grade Parents,
Our Class of 2022 is in the midst of deeply examining their past with the annual 8th-Grade Roots Project. We are thrilled to share that we can now combine students' technology skill growth alongside humanities through the use of Google sites and/or a virtual world platform. This method will enable our students to gain a deeper understanding of their identity and family history, all while exploring new technology and boosting their interest in the project using relevant apps.  
Please use this form to let us know the format and level of sharing with which you are comfortable as a family and submit no later than Tuesday, March 8. Please note that both these apps have been authorized for use by the school’s technology department in conjunction with Bernard Zell’s online safety guidelines. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Bernstein with questions at sbernstein@bernardzell.org or Mr. Grabowski at agrabowski@bernardzell.org.

Shosh Bernstein

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