EC Sukkah Workshop 101
Rena Grosser, EC Teacher
The joyful holiday of Sukkot marks one of the most exciting times on the Jewish calendar and in the fall harvest season. In an effort to embrace the meaning of Sukkot and its literal definition as “booths” or “huts” in Hebrew, (referring back to the ancient times of the Israelites), Nursery and JK created their own 4' x 4' sukkah in the natural playground area.

It is a tradition that communities celebrating this holiday build their own sukkot, and treat them as an extension of their homes by gatherings as a family and inviting guests to enjoy meals together. Through the lens of our Reggio Emilia learning philosophy of how children are competent and capable, the Nursery and JK students were invited to participate in a Sukkah Atelier on the nature playground by exploring the tangible elements and processes that go along with creating a sukkah.

The students tinkered with authentic tools, wove different greenery materials to create the roof, or schach, so they could see the stars and collaboratively built the wood sukkah frame using basic tools. Students also helped to create the walls for the sukkah by creating collages and added their creative marks with their drawings of murals on translucent paper. The students were beaming with the excitement of accomplishment and pride in their capabilities! We hope they continue to say "Bruchim Habayim" and welcome anyone into their community sukkah. 


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