🪵🔥 Early Childhood Celebrates Lag Ba'Omer
Rena Grosser, EC Judaic Atelierista
Yesterday, our Early Childhood students (N, JK and SK) celebrated Lag Ba'Omer, which marks the 33rd day of the Omer (the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot). Lag Ba'Omer is celebrated with picnics, playing outdoor games and spending time together around bonfires. We created our own school-friendly "bonfire" with translucent papers and logs, and invited all Early Childhood students to gather around to start our day with lots of ruach (spirit).
Divided into teams by class, the students enjoyed a variety of field activities, they bounced balls up and down with the parachute, jumped across the field in potato sacks and participated in relays. We were also fortunate to have some of our 4th graders join the festivities, leading us in the blessing that we recite during the Omer and helping to guide our youngest learners in the games.  
The Lag Ba'Omer celebration wrapped up with some refreshing popsicles, which were very well deserved. It was such a great morning filled with sunshine, fun, ruach and the wonderful feeling of being together as one big EC kehillah (community). Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday)!
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