๐ŸŽ—Be An Upstander: A Message from BZ Social Workers
Social Services Team
Throughout the school year, we—the BZ Social Workers, Sarah Sweet (Middle School Social Worker) and Leah Frydman (Early Childhood and Lower School Social Worker)—will be highlighting some of the social-emotional curriculum and events our community is engaging with in select issues of Ma Nishma. We’ll provide occasional updates on our past programming,  on what is coming up in the future, and share resources for families. As always we are here to partner with you and welcome any wonderings you may have about your child. Feel free to call us or email us at the contact information below. We look forward to partnering with you!

October Programming for National Bullying Prevention Month

  • In SK and Lower School, students engaged with the children's book, Ease the Tease by Judy Freedman, where they learned practical strategies they can use if they experience or see teasing occur in our community. Teachers used this book and its strategies throughout academic time, as well as in Morning Meeting, in conjunction with our Responsive Classroom techniques to address concerns in the class.  

    Parent Handout From Judy Freedman Talk
  • On October 20, SK and Lower School also participated in a series of interactive plays with Imagination Theater to learn strategies to build empathy, respond to others with empathy, and “ease the tease.” Ask your students about what they learned! Most lower school students also learned about empathy in their weekly social-emotional lessons with Leah Frydman through games, role plays and art activities. 
  • In Middle School students used curriculum from The Bully Project to discuss what bullying looks like and how to be an upstander. The conversations and work that MS students engaged in will continue throughout the year. 

What We are Looking Forward To

What We’re Checking Out (Family Resources)

Leah Frydman
Early Childhood Social Worker

Sarah Sweet
Lower School Social Worker


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