Stephanie Bloom, Head of Middle School
Dear Middle School Parents,
We are looking forward to seeing you for virtual conferences on Monday, November 22 and Tuesday, November 23. In response to parent feedback, these meetings will be “teacher-led” and are intended for teacher and parent conversations. Students do not need to be present.
On Friday afternoon, November 19, progress reports will be available in BZ Connect. They will appear on the Progress tab for each student in a box labeled Performance and a tab labeled Report Cards. It’s important to remember that progress reports are just that—a reporting of a student’s progress thus far. Checklists and grades are reflective of assignments and learning up until this point in the academic year; grades are not final. By having progress reports connected to conferences, we allow for teachers and parents to discuss a student's progress to date including their strengths along with the areas where they can continue to grow and improve. Final grades are determined following our winter break and will be reported to families in February.
When reviewing your child’s progress report, please take note of the following ratings used in checklists.
Independently Meeting Expectations (IME) - The student consistently meets grade-level expectations. Performance is characterized by the ability to apply skills with accuracy and quality independently or with minimal guidance.
Meeting Expectations (ME) - The student meets grade-level expectations. Performance is characterized by the ability to apply skills with minimal guidance.
With Support Meeting Expectations (SME) - The student meets grade-level expectations. Performance is characterized by the ability to apply skills with continuous support and guidance.
Working Towards Expectations (WTE) - The student is working toward grade-level expectations. Performance varies in consistency and requires additional practice and support.
Not Meeting Expectations (NME) - The student is not meeting grade-level expectations. Additional instruction, practice and support are necessary to move toward grade-level expectations.
Not applicable (NA)- This year we added “not applicable” to the checklist to enable parents to see the skills or concepts that will be taught during the school year.