🕎 A Festive Hanukkah Week in Sixth Grade
Ms. Kammeyer, MS Math Teacher & Ms. Ruthman, MS Jewish Studies Teacher
The Kammeyer and Ruthman Sixth Grade Gibush (Advisory) had a great time celebrating Hanukkah last week. 
In Jewish Studies, students worked in groups to create a Hanukkah Hero Musical, which could be a rap, song, and/or performance about the lives of Jewish Heroes such as Golda Meir, Hannah Senesh and Nissim Black. Students focused on their hero’s Jewish values while identifying their own strengths and values and why it’s important to stand up for what you believe in. This connection helps strengthen our sixth grade value of Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof (Justice, Justice you shall pursue) and our partnership with Nourishing Hope (food pantry). Earlier today, our students competed against the other two sixth grade classes for best musical. You'll have to ask your sixth grader who won!
In Gibush, students read the Hanukkah Story, played dreidel games, wrote Hanukkah cards, and participated in gift exchanges. Sixth graders made latkes (from scratch) by shredding potatoes and frying them with the Shinshinim. This past Wednesday morning, we participated in a Middle-School See-Run-Go activity, where students built creative Hanukkiot. Ruthman’s advisory won the competition for the Best Team-Work Award!

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