8th-Graders Learn the Value of Mishpacha with Family Roots Project
Shosh Bernstein, 8th-Grade Teacher
Throughout the school year, 8th-grade students have been hard at work creating amazing Family Roots websites. They started their journey by asking questions, followed by interviewing family members and practicing their writing skills. They created a family tree and a migration map of their extended family based on the information they gathered with the help of family members. They also reflected on who they are and what they care deeply about at this point in their lives. They concluded the journey by putting all of this information together as a Google Site which they designed, organized and personalized. Throughout this experience, students have been sharing personal stories, making connections to Jewish History (as explored in Jewish Studies class), growing to appreciate their family’s traditions and learning from family members and each other. The importance of values like mishpacha (family) and m’dor l’dor (from generation to generation) are clearly portrayed in their Family Roots Project websites and will hopefully be a meaningful and celebrated piece of work within their families!
Stay tuned next week—we'll begin to share some of the sites on our social media channels!

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