♻️ 5th Grade’s First Taste of BZ Games
Ms. Thompson, 5th/6th Science Teacher, and Ms. Einberger 5th Reading & Writing Teacher

This past Wednesday was the launch of BZ Games, marking the first one ever for our 5th graders. BZ Games is a fun, year-long experience where mixed grade-level teams work together to solve challenges and support each other. Eighth graders build leadership skills while encouraging 5th, 6th, and 7th graders on their teams to try their best and earn "peaceful coexistence" points (aka spirit points)! Each team is led by three or four eighth graders and is comprised of a few students from all other middle school grades. 

Fifth graders were able to get a taste of the BZ Games ruach (spirit) as they participated in several Tu B’shevat-themed events to score points. They engaged in environmentally-themed competitions including Recycle or Not, Earth Bowling, Environmental Jeopardy, and Name That Fruit Juice.

The BZ Games leaderboard will be unveiled this week so teams know where they stand. The next round of challenges will take place on Purim and planning is already in the works for epic team costumes!

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