⛺️ 5th Grade Overnight Shabbaton
Ms. Barak, Middle School Teacher
Last weekend, the 5th graders had a wonderful time celebrating Shabbat together at Camp Chi. This was our first opportunity, as an entire class, to get together for an overnight trip in an idyllic camp setting to learn and grow closer as a Jewish community. The trip is engaging for both students and staff and is full of team-building activities, a talent show, Torah skits and Shabbat-centered activities. We left school on Friday morning and headed to camp. When we arrived, we started right away with preparation for Shabbat. Ms. Bernstein taught us how to braid a challah with four pieces of dough. Later in the day, students acted out a Shabbat-themed skit. Then, we got dressed for Shabbat so we could do Kabbalat Shabbat and have dinner together as a 5th grade kehillah
On Shabbat morning, we started the day with Shacharit (morning services) and then we heard a meaningful D'var Torah, which was written by a few students about the portion of the week. The highlight of our time together was giving every student the chance to recite from the Torah, for the very first time, reading verses they had been rehearsing for weeks. Celebrating Shabbat is a cornerstone of living a Jewish life and having this time together, as a class, is a memory that will last a lifetime. 

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