2023-24 PTC Executive Board Self Nomination Form
PTC Committee 2022-23
Calling all Parent Leaders! Share your talents and become a member of our PTC Executive Board for the 2023-24 school year. The BZ PTC Executive Board serves an important role working hand-in-hand with our administration on school policies, decisions and community programming to benefit our children and enhance your families' experience! Plus, it's a great opportunity to work with other parents while helping to shape future programming of our PTC. 
All parents with at least one year of volunteer experience are encouraged to apply. To learn about the open positions, the nomination process and how to get in touch with current PTC Exec members to discuss which position might be a good fit for you, click below.
PTC Exec 2023-24 Self-Nomination Form
Self-Nomination Forms are due on Friday, March 31 and brief, informal interviews will take place on Thursday, April 20 at Bernard Zell. 

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