A Message from Dani Steele, Interim Head of Middle School: September 7
Dani Steele, Interim Head of Middle School
Dear Families,
Last Wednesday, our Middle School gathered for our very first assembly of the year, which we call B'tzavtah, a Hebrew word for "together". In fact, it was our first B'tzavtah since 2019, and wow, did it feel wonderful to gather again. We built on our community norms, learned about all of the chugim (clubs) and athletics that are launching this month, and laughed and celebrated together in a huge, epic battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
In fact, the idea of togetherness is permeating throughout Middle School once again. Students are playing together in mixed-grade games at recess. Eighth graders are preparing to be "buddies" to Early Childhood and Lower School students. Sixth, 7th, and 8th graders introduced new, younger students to the customs of their Shabbat Tables, and we all sang together to welcome Shabbat. I realize that that is what I have been missing most these past two years of school: getting to be together as an entire middle school! 
We are thrilled to welcome into our community our newest 5th graders, as well as four outstanding new members of our faculty. And there is so much to look forward to this year! This fall alone, we will participate in a middle school-wide Tashlich ceremony to mark Rosh Hashana, a 6th grade community service field trip to the Montrose Bird Sanctuary, Shabbaton "Lock-Ins" and another B'tzavtah at which Middle School students will study and create large-scale calligraphy work with an artist-in-residence. With all of our opportunities to gather again, I know that our Middle School will thrive. Our students will learn new skills to practice and master, connect with friends old and new, and develop a richer sense of kehillah (community). These experiences set the stage for our students to respect and embrace our differences and create a sense of belonging for each person. 
I look forward to not only sharing these experiences with you all this year, but to invite you to share in as many as possible.
Here's to a fantastic year filled with togetherness!
Dani Steele
Interim Head of Middle School

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