Lydia Malkin, 2nd Grade General Studies Teacher
Throughout the second grade social studies curriculum there is an emphasis on the grade’s Jewish value, T’Shuva, which includes saying sorry for mistakes we make, working to make our community a better place and thinking about our actions and how they affect others. The second graders have continuously brainstormed how to be kind citizens to friends, family, teachers and peers. They made Kindness Hopes and Dreams that are hung in the second floor hallway to remind anyone passing by how to participate in T’Shuva. The second grade has also been working on taking care of the Earth by reusing and recycling within the classrooms and learning how to make new paper through the SCARCE (School & Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education) Program. Lastly, we have discussions on resolving peer conflicts after recess, choice time or academic group lessons. The grade’s commitment to T’Shuva is displayed daily within the classroom!