Gary Weisserman, Head of School
In schools, time often seems to pass inelegantly, and at varying speeds. The days and weeks travel in spurts and fits; a long Tuesday in October suddenly lurches forward, and all of a sudden it's Thanksgiving. When we hit a regular milestone like winter break, I find myself put in a reflective state of mind, and thinking back at those events that make BZ who we are. We're fortunate to have so many of these, but one that really embodies the values of simcha (joy and happiness), kehillah (community) and hidur mitzvah (beautification of Judaism through the arts) is the Leona Molotsky Hanukkah Music Festival (HMF).
This year we celebrated our 28th Hanukkah Music Festival. Whether your favorite moment was our nursery spinning dreidels or the entire sanctuary singing "Not By Might" while tears welled up in our eighth graders' eyes, I hope you carry the ruach (spirit) of that day with you through the break. Below is a link to the recording of the livestream, for you to share or to look back and treasure such an amazing event!