Community Partnership Pledge
To ensure a safe return to campus we have developed essential protocols which must be followed by every member of the Bernard Zell community. It is up to each and every one of us to keep this community safe and healthy. Together we will demonstrate the value of Achrayut, responsibility for others, as we commit to the following pledge. This pledge signifies your commitment to keep our students, faculty, staff and fellow community members safe.
As a Bernard Zell Parent, I pledge to:
Ensure my student(s) will wear masks at all times at school and on campus, except on occasions when expressly allowed by a teacher or administrator.
Encourage my student(s) to maintain a distance of 6-feet to support social distancing guidelines
Promote frequent hand washing and hygiene at home and at school
Certify my student’s health each morning through a symptom tracker/health certification app
As a Bernard Zell Parent, I pledge to follow the following protocols:
I will communicate any diagnoses of communicable diseases to the school
I will not send my student to school if they are sick, regardless of whether it is advised by the health certification app
I will not send my student to school if a household member has been exposed to COVID-19 or has symptoms related to COVID-19
I will not send my student to school for potentially as long as 14 days if they have been exposed to COVID-19
I will pick up my student from school promptly if they develop symptoms during the day or have behavioral issues, including failure to adhere to safety guidelines such as wearing masks or social distancing