2022-23 Student Wellness FAQs

Throughout the school year, Bernard Zell will use this space to continue addressing questions. If you have a question, please email it to bznurse@bernardzell.org.
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Masking Protocols

BZ is a “Masks Welcome” environment. This protocol will be subject to change pending legal & medical guidance. For example, if masking is required by our local public health authority, CDPH, we will be compelled to comply.
We publicly support and affirm individuals who choose to continue masking, since everyone’s circumstances and comfort levels are different. We will engage in Derech Eretz, common courtesy, in respecting everyone’s choice. 

Close Contact, Isolation & Quarantine FAQs

COVID Testing

  • Rapid testing will be available in the Nurse’s office for individuals with symptoms or known exposures.
  • Home rapid tests will be available for pick-up at the BZ front desk while supplies last
  • Saliva based PCR testing will be available for the fall return to school testing, only.
  • We are evaluating additional testing solutions and will provide updates should those become available.
  • At this time, student, family, and employee surveillance testing is not available.

Remote Learning

For the 2022-23 school year, synchronous learning will not be provided for individual students who are home in isolation or quarantine.  Students in 3rd - 8th grade can stay connected via Google Classroom and by contacting their homeroom teacher or advisor.
Whole class/grade synchronous remote learning will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis if warranted due to an outbreak.
Student Wellness Home
Email Samantha Mor,
School Nurse at 


Click play above to watch a short video featuring Mr. Weisserman, Ms. Aloni and Ms. Leavitt about updated masking protocols for Nursery - 2nd grade students as of March 4, 2022.