Challah Order Form 2021-22
The PTC is pleased to offer families a bi-monthly challah delivery service for the 2021-22 school year, right to your youngest child’s classroom EVERY OTHER FRIDAY that school is in session.
All proceeds benefit the PTC Be Innovative Grants (BIG) which invests in innovative and creative programs and curriculum developed by teachers for their classrooms. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Charlip.
Orders for Challah can be placed any time during the year. If you order after Tuesday of any week, Challah delivery will begin the following week.
$250 - Bi-Weekly Delivery
Two challahs delivered every other week we are in session. Your choice of regular, or chocolate chip. Everyone who receives a weekly delivery will receive 2 round holiday challahs instead of the regular challah, for Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah on: 9/17, 9/24.
$36 - Holidays Only
Two round holiday challahs delivered for Rosh Hashana, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah on: 9/3, 9/17, 9/24. If you order by September 1, you will receive challot in time for Rosh Hashana. Order after Sept 1, you will receive challot for Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret only.
$54 - Chocolate Chip “Challahdays”
One chocolate chip challah on the following Fridays: 10/15, 1/7, 2/4, 4/1, 5/13
$150 - Shabbat Treats: NEW THIS YEAR!
Shabbat treats for your family, delivered 9 times during the year: 9/24, 10/29, 11/12, 12/17, 1/21, 2/18, 3/18, 4/29, 5/27. Treats could include: Brownies, mini-cupcakes, babka, decorated sugar cookies, and all are pareve and nut-free.
$250 - Donate My Challah
You have the option to donate your weekly challah to The Self Help Home while still supporting our PTC fundraising goals. Please note that this a full year option, you may not select individual dates to donate.
If your child is absent on a delivery day, or your child is not in school because of a field trip or school related overnight, please make arrangements with your child's teacher or the PTC challah chairs to receive your challah. Any remaining challah will be donated. Thank you for your orders and support! Please contact Rachel Charlip at 773.572.1296 or with questions.
Jodi Gruber, Amanda Hirsh,
Erin Kohn,
Claudia Mendelson and
Risa Nasatir
- PTC Challah Committee
Challah Form 21-22
This form is not currently accepting submissions.