- PoGCreative
Before your graduate spins on stage in Nursery as a dreidel during the annual Hanukkah Music Festival, before they proudly read from the Torah for families and friends, before they embark on a life-changing Tiyul experience and before they pose for the traditional graduating class photo—your child will acquire the education and skill set that will help them grow into future leaders of the Jewish community.
Bernard Zell graduates become...
POG: creative
Creative and critical thinkers who demonstrate a love of learning, and have the confidence to listen, question, and consider different perspectives.
POG: kind
- PoGKind
Compassionate and kind human beings who embrace a diverse and inclusive community, are guided by Jewish values and knowledge and are inspired to forge their own Jewish identities.
POG: resilient
- PoGResilient
Resilient and resourceful individuals who are prepared to advocate for themselves and others and to act as upstanders.
POG: leaders
- PoGLeaders
Active leaders in their chosen communities who make significant contributions to our world, and inspire others to do the same.
POG: prepared
- PoGPrepared
Extraordinarily well-prepared alumni who are ready to embrace their future academic pursuits, foster meaningful relationships, and live lives of fulfillment and purpose.